The Surreal streets of Paris
Strolling down the rue du Bac searching for the taxidermist emporium Deyrolle we chanced upon a very strange sight.
At first glance we thought they had escaped from somewhere, but soon realized that we were looking into the courtyard of Deyrolle. The peculiar experience was heightened by the positioning of the animals, in a quiet and totally deserted space – the mother and foal stood motionless as if scared to move. We started to photograph the odd scene and before long we’d attracted a crowd of onlookers – who up until we’d stopped with our cameras had totally ignored the blatantly surreal vision.
A strange thought occurred to me – the passers by were behaving exactly like the stuffed Zebras, blinkered to experience and only showing a semblance of life when directed away from normality.
After that short distraction we entered the emporium with a most courteous greeting at the door.